Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Art of the Title Sequence

Thank the gods there are folks out there working hard and doing way cool things so the rest of us can just sit back and enjoy. You must check out The Art of the Title Sequence, a site that features, among other discussions, the opening credits of films. There's all kinds of wonderful goodies on there, including one of my all time favorite opening sequences - the remake of Dawn of the Dead.

Some other goodies....
The Changeling
Ginger Snaps
Lost Highway
The Shining
True Blood

and tons of non-horror gems.



Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Got to this post late and that is a shame, because I had a ball on that site! Thanks for sharing.


Michele (TheGirlWhoLovesHorror) said...

Never thought about a whole website on title sequences, but that was so interesting! I thought I was the only one who appreciated the Ginger Snaps titles - the music and the images are creepy and hilarious at the same time. Sets a great tone for the film.
