Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Dead Zone

We recently watched The Dead Zone. It's been a few years since I've seen it and I'd forgotten how much I dig it. I think it doesn't get enough attention - it's very well done. The final scene is heartbreaking. Also, I love the score.



Chris 'Frog Queen' Davis said...

Christopher Walken...what is not to like :) Did you see the Davis Graveyard 2009 video :D Truely a Froq Queen folly!

Besides that, husband and I LOVE both the book and the movie. Which does not happen often with us when it comes to Mr. King.

We are going to have to watch it again, thanks for the reminder.

The Captain said...

Classic Walken. One of the few Stephen King stories that transfered to film well. I own this movie and agree it is often overlooked or forgotten about.

Will Errickson said...

Cool underrated movie, one of the best King adaptations because it doesn't so try to recreate every plot point from the novel but still captures perfectly the sense of loss Johnny feels . The score by Michael Kamen is truly fantastic.