Friday, June 13, 2008

There's A Fish In The Tub...A Really Stinky One

I know today is Friday the 13th and every horror fan is getting their Voorhees on, but I look forward to this day for a different reason....because the day that follows means I'll be watching this:

I just can't help it, I find this movie oddly endearing. It's been a favorite of mine ever since I was a kid watching it over and over on Cinemax (or as we sometimes called it "Skinamax" due to their "Friday After Dark" series...but that's a whole other story). I proudly own the VHS and will make all members of my household watch it as we drink coffee tomorrow morning.

The Van Helsing character is a scream.

Is it wrong that I know every line of this movie? It is...I know.



Johnny said...

HA! My wife and I were just talking about this movie on...Saturday the 14th.

Can't find it anywhere, we are so jealous. (actually I did find a copy on ebay - for $75!!)

I had the same love of Monster Squad and that finally arrived on wide dvd. hopefully St14th will follow soon.

Johnny said...

Hey Bean,
That is very cool of you, but I have made copies of VHS and it's a pain. So, don't worry about it. I'll keep trolling the thrift stores.
I half agree about the pre-1990 VHS. :-)
I say that because my copy of Scarecrows on VHS was so worn when it came out on DVD it was like watching a new movie.

Thanks again for the offer.