Otis (2008)
I wanted so much to like it, but the tone was all over the place. It tried to be too many things. Too bad because the cast was great. I love the guy playing Otis.
The Invasion (2007)
A complete waste of two talented actors, Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
Perfect from beginning to end. I love everything about this movie; the cast, the cinematography and the trippy ass score. I had seen this a long, long time ago, so I decided it was time to sit with it again.
Screamers (1995)
The Signal (2007)
Everybody loved this one and I just kept getting bored. I always feel guilty when that happens...like I somehow missed the obvious. I was in a bad mood - maybe that's a good excuse (?) - but I don't feel like revisiting it anytime soon. So, I'm in the minority on this one.
Alone in the Dark (1982)
How can you not like a movie when it stars Jack Palance, Donald Pleasence and Martin Landau? It was fun, but way too many convenient things occurred for this movie to be good. A pure popcorn watch. (I've actually seen this one before. I watched it with a friend who hadn't seen it but wanted to.)
Sisters (2006)
Why? Why do this? Another pointless remake of a perfectly good film.
And it was Douglas Buck's first major film to direct...that total sucks because I think his shorts are fantastic. I can't wait to see what he does next - his slate is still clean as far as I'm concerned.
Frontière(s) (2007)
Slick, beautiful, gory and I've seen it all before. The French version of Saw meets Hostel meets The Hills Have Eyes meets Wrong Turn meets...you get the idea.

INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS is that rare instance where a remake is better than the original. THE THING comes to mind as well.
This is a great entry. I agree with you about THE SIGNAL.
the signal- yeah. like i told you before, didn't get to see the whole thing, but the 1st 45 mins were pretty jerky. starts out uber serious then out of nowhere it wants to be humorous with crazy husband guy killing everyone that came by the weirdo stranger lady's apt. a very confused film. how did it end? what was the signal?
and yeah, the '78 invasion is the 2nd best remake of any genre in my opinion. 1st is of course the thing. savini's night of the living dead , cronenberg's the fly, cape fear, and p. jackson's kong are all pretty untouchable too. so yeah, that's my 2 cents.
funny, all the best remakes are horrors.
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