Monday, March 20, 2006

He said, "First let's just unzip your religion down..."

Why? People close to me often ask me that question. Why do I love horror movies so much? I always find this embarrassing--like somehow the only answer that makes sense is that something is deeply wrong with me. I don't actually think they think that, but it is the answer I've feared most. Then this weekend as I was on a roadtrip by myself, I figured out part of the answer. I love horror movies because they are so honest, and so trustworthy. Sounds crazy, right? But think about it... the slasher on your doorstep makes no bones about what he (she?) wants from you: to humiliate you, to dominate you, to cause you great pain, to pick you apart piece by piece, and ultimately destroy you. He is so very different from the people who hurt us slowly over time: the self-absorbed parent who has no time for you, the deceitful lover who promises you are loved & special, the caretaker who rocks you to sleep at night and whispers with drunken breath that you will never amount to anything, the spouse who slowly destroys you over the decades by quietly invalidating you cell by cell. The knife coming down in the movie is a refreshing smack of sincerity when compared to the small little lies and deaths that occur everyday. You know where you stand with a driller wielding manic, but how often are you sure of where you stand with the people who come into your life?

Scream Bloody Murder-I love 1973 grainy ass film :)
The New York Ripper--wow, did Fulci hate women...
Flightplan (YUCK, how come people with the biggest budgets make the worst movies?)
The History of Violence-I so dug this and all the extras. I need to watch it again...


Wendy said...

Woa! I'm so glad you posted. Boy howdy am I glad. Very interesting defense, if that's the right word, for your movie taste. I actually get what you're saying. Though, as you know, I'm just such a chicken shit that I can't handle the honesty. I really BELIEVE that stuff, whether I want to or not.

Still movies, or books for that matter, can let you down. They make a contract with you and they don't always live up to their end of the bargain - like people. But I suppose what's redeeming about them is that YOU'RE in the driver's seat in that you can hit "stop" or toss the pulp into the bathroom reading pile - permanently. It's not the same with people. There's good and bad in that difference.

Anonymous said...

We like horror movies because they are the BEST. And fear is what makes the world go round. We all have some strange fascination with the unknown, I believe. So horror movies are an excellent way to expierence that.